Monday, June 2, 2008

Second round of reading in progress.

To join the second round of A New Earth, which is already underway, please email the blog administrator for contact and location information. The group continues to meet each Tuesday evening in Bellingham, but there is a new facilitator and location.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sharon's Post

While re-listening to Chapter 5 tonite, I realized that each chapter turns into being my favorite one. That "creative realization or inspiration does not come thru your thoughts, but comes in thru the space of awareness." just great! And, I finally noticed tonite that Eckhart uses "awareness and presence" interchangeably.

The other point I thought interesting was that one of the reasons we "accept negative emotion coming from some other 'ego' is that it is happening in the present. This, to me, means, that we aren't "allowing it" because it is something we need to hear...but because it is just happening 'now'. So, that means we don't have to accept the dialogue, right? just make a space for them to be themselves? We observe but not react when the interaction is ...what? not going to be productive? or is their pain body blowing off steam? This is really a "think it over and over" chapter.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Member Biographies

BARBARA (LOLA) - I'm "almost" retired from teaching, currently supervising student teachers for Western and running a B&B in Bellingham. I'm a real Oprah fan who just completed doing a gratitude journal for one year which was quite amazing and thought this might be a good continuation of that positive energy - although I must admit I'm kind of in a 'wait and see' mood from what I've read of this book so far. Sure liked the group energy at the meeting and looking forward to a place to communicate both on line and in person.

COLETTE (COLY) - I moved to Bellingham almost 5 years ago mainly because of the feeling my husband and I had that this is where we are supposed to be. I was born in Illinois 50-something years ago, and grew up there and in California. I went to Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University) where I majored in History and met my husband, Art. We moved to Washington in 1980 and raised our children in Renton. Kimberly is 31 and lives with her husband in Minneapolis; and the twins, Stephen and Stacie (29 almost), live in Renton. Stacie is married with two children, Addyson 21 months, and Lexi who was just born on February 28th. Our son Michael (25) lives in California. I was a stay-at-home Mom, involved in all of the kids' activities. I also worked part time for the King County Library System. I enjoy jewelry making, quilting, spinning, and knitting.

I've had an interest in spirituality for many years and have been involved with women's groups, seminars, workshops, internships etc. I recently created a 10 week women's spirituality program. Preparing for that, I read many books on spirituality, including Eckhart Tolle's book The Power of Now.

CHERIE - Let me start by saying "I Am"
then my ego is:
A wife (21 years)
A mother (of an incredible 11 yr. old)
(DreamSeeker Ranch Alpacas and DreamSeeker Ranch Reindeer)
We moved to Bellingham from Flagstaff AZ about 4 years ago so my husband could get his masters in theatre at WWU. About 5 years ago I left the San Diego Zoo after working there for about 12 years. I was a spokesperson representing the organization to off-grounds groups. I have worked in conservation/wildlife education all of my life and feel that my spiritual path and career path are very much aligned. Since an "awakening" at 12 years old, I've been passionate about educating people about nature and environmental awareness. Although raised in a traditional religion my family encouraged spiritual exploration. My Grandmother, in fact, was what is now termed "New Age" and she was a tremendous mentor. She belonged to a national spiritual group known as "I AM"!!! I'm so grateful for our group. It's so exciting to have so many wonderful people come together to explore!!

KRISTA - My story and the roles I play - I am "mommy" to two little fellows under the age of 4. I married the love of my life, Robert, in 2001 in British Columbia, Canada. We currently live on Whidbey Island (between Seattle and Vancouver). I've been doing 'ego work' for 7+ years; and in November, I started working with a group in Bellingham to establish Youth On Purpose USA, supporting youth on their journeys to becoming more ego aware.

Oprah's webcasts with Eckhart have been an amazing blessing! My husband and I are engaged with it, reading to one another, and sharing it with our kids as they often watch the webcasts on the computer in the kitchen while we prepare meals or clean up. Our 4 year old asks some very funny questions! We are feeling more love in our life, and more in-love with one another. It has been a blessing for me to be more aware of my ego thoughts, and to explore with the wonderful people in this reading group. Thank you all of you.

Please re-visit this post for additional/updated biographies.